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How to Convert your work into your passion

How to Convert your work into your passion

Hi Friends!
Many times when we are willing to do our prioritize works we seem a lot of difficulties like lack of focus, distractions, mental pressure, anxiety, etc. and it is very important to get rid of it because these all became a hurdle in our path of being efficient, and productive.

That,s why in this post I am about to discuss some methods that help me a lot

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So let's start!

1) Why it is important to convert work into passion

Firstly it is important for us to know, that's why it is important to convert our work into passion.

Well, the answer is simple when we are passionate to do something it is very easy to work on that particular task with full dedication with full focus and concentration and when we do work with full concentration it is very easy to increase our efficiency towards that particular work

That's why it is important to becoming passionate about our work.

2) How to convert your work into your passion

Now as you have a brief idea of the topic you will be able to understand what I'm trying to say in this post, so let's continue further towards the steps that help you for converting your work into your passion.

Step 1 Choose your right stream

As you know no one and perfect in everything and that's why it is very important at the very beginning you have to select your stream of work as per your interest because if your stream was not of your interest then it's become very difficult to get efficiency and delegation in that type of work and if we don't have these things then it is is very difficult to convert the work into your passion.

So if you are on the path of choosing your right stream then please think properly because if you have selected that particular stream 1 time then it is impossible to change that.

Always remember when we are trying to select a stream it is very important for us to select a stream of our choice because by forcing ourselves on selecting such type of stream that was not under our interest then we are just making a reason for worrying whole the life.

But in the case, you have selected the stream then it does not need to worry the second step is for you.

Step 2 how to convert an uninterested full stream into a passion

If you are one of those who selected their stream, not under their interest then there is no choice else to start changing the way of thinking about that particular stream.

Please remember there is no stream that starts without any worth everything has his own importance it is important for us to respect them you can simply understand the extract of this line by flashing a light on this example 

suppose if there are no medical sides in the world how can the people treated, if there is no Botanical science was created how we can get the best quality HIV seeds, if there is no art stream then how we are able to read the greatest novel of Shakespeare, etc.

Similarly, there is a need for every steam that exist in the world in a specific condition, the sole purpose of telling all that is simply to make you are aware of the importance of your stream because without knowing importance every work was boring for us.

Whenever you are working on a stream please try to think what was the contribution of that stream in mankind, what were the impacts of the stream in your life, and what will happen if that particular steam does not exist.

All these factors will help you do change your thinking about your stream.

Step 3 Think about your milestones and rewards

Before starting reading that, friends please read this point carefully because it is an important point of all posts.

In this world, no one work motivated until their task and point was some sort of rewards.
For example, if you are related to economics in your studies then by mastering this topic you can become a great economist and a great economist have a very large reputation and earnings., if you are a student of IIT or MIT then you can become a best technical engineer, etc

So as you see every stream has a bunch of milestones and rewards in their path that's why if we consider those milestones during the preparation of that particular topic for working on that particular stream we will able to point of Full focus and concentration to was that particular work and we can become more efficient.

Not only that the glowing faces of your parents you see after achieving that milestone is the greatest reward and milestone for your life.


At the last, we have seen that it is very easy to convert your work into your passion the only thing and the only key you need is to change your way of thinking for that particular stream.

So friends if this post helps you anyway please write down in the comment section and describe your story towards all of our reader's families and also follow my blog by pressing on the blue follow button in the subscribe option at the top.

And now we will conclude this post and I am always seeking for your best wishes in the form of the love of your comments.

Thank you
Puneet Sharma


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