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How to take Cornell notes | Best method of notes taking

How to take Cornell notes

Hello Friends as you know in the previous post we have discussed about how to improve your focus during studies and if you remember in the same post I have also discussed about the Cornell notes so in this post we are going to talk about the topic that how to take Cornell notes and how this method will help you to generate more efficient and productive notes.

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So let's get started!

1) Before you Start

Cornell note is an amazing note-taking method developed by an honorable professor of Cornell university Mr.Walter Pauk in the 1940s to help students in taking more efficient and productive notes, as time flows this method starts spreading globally and now it was used by many countries.

I am also using this method from the past 8 months and believe me using this method is a revolutionary change against my old method of note-taking because it helps me very much during revising my content before the exam.

So let us talk about how Cornell notes are different from other types of notes.

2) How Cornell Notes are different from other types of notes

As you can see the picture below this paragraph you will see three partitions on the page of the notebook, all of the partitions plays a very important role they are listed with the name

  • Recall Column
  • Notes Column
  • Summary

Each of these plays a very important role in making this method fully functional.

So let us finally talk about the method of Cornell Note-taking

3) Method of taking Cornell style notes

So firstly you need the following items listed below -

  • A Notebook of any kind (ruled or unruled)
  • A Pen (any type you prefer)
  • A Ruler
Now after gathering all the materials let's head to the steps -

Step 1 Header

  • Write down the subject name on the top left side of the page (for easy sorting between different subjects)
  • Now write down the date and page-no at the top right side of the page (as shown in the figure in step 2)

Step 2 Summary Column

  • Divide one-fourth of the page horizontally from the page bottom for the summary column as shown in the figure in step two. ( in this column you have to write a brief summary of your notes detailed instructions on usage is in Fourth Point).

Step 3 Recall and Notes taking Column

  • Now divide one-third of the page vertically from the left till the starting of your summary column as shown in step 2, this will be your recall column.
  • Now after making the recall column, the remaining partition on the right is the note-taking column.
Let us talk about the method of using Cornell notes.

4) How to use Cornell notes

After creating the format of Cornell notes let us talk about the way of using it, so let's we head to the steps -

Step 1 Using the Note-taking Column

  • During lectures or reading a book write down the important points in the note-taking column.
  • Remember not to write every line only write the important and highlighted points because this column is for taking fast and efficient notes.
  • You can include the following in this section -
    • Important Definitions
    • Highlighted and Important points
    • Author Names
    • Formulas and short Digrams, etc.

Step 2 Using the Recall Column

  • In this column, you can write important terms the will help to recall your notes like topics, key terms, and more that will act as a trigger to recall the notes.
  • You can also add important dates and difficult words in this section.
  • You can include the following in this section -
    • Important words and key terms
    • Questions from the notes
    • Important headings
    • any term that can act as a trigger and helps you to recall notes.

Step 3 Using the Summary Column

  • This column is only used after the completion of previous columns, in these columns you have to write your notes briefly in your language.
  • At this column, you have to create brief notes in an easily understandable language with the help of the recall and note-taking column.
  • Important points to be followed during working on this section are -
    • The notes are easy to understand and covers all the points of the -taking area in a brief manner
    • The notes are to be in your own language, not from any book or other materials because it shows how much you know about a particular topic.

5) Conclusion

At last, s we see that the ell note-taking method covers all the point of views of the selected topic, and helps you during revision because at the time of revision you have all the important extract from the topic for example - You have all the important terms and trigger keywords on the recall column, you have all important and highlighted points from the lecture in the note-taking column, and a brief summary of the following topics in your language that will help you in easy understanding.

By the use of all these columns, you can increase your ability and speed of revision and recalling as many times, and also you have not to spend more time reading massive books again at the time of exam preparation.

I hope you will like the post follow us by clicking on subscribe and stay tuned for upcoming updates.

Thank you

Your Friend
Puneet Sharma


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