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How to make Flashcards / Improve memory using flashcards

How to Make Flashcards

Hi Friends, as you know that memorizing topics is not a game, it is a typical process that needs your full concentration and time which is very rare according to today's world and if we specially talk about boring topics its also became a pain.

Mainly when we learn something it will save in our mind according to your priority if I say in simple work if I ask you what have you done yesterday at 3:27 pm? are you able to give the answer? of course not but, if I ask that what happens in the climax scene of your favorite movie you can immediately describe the full story because that was an interesting topic for you and the things you like the most was more prioritized for your mind and boring things like school or college notes have to remember by many time revising them which was a very difficult task, that's why in this post I want to tell you about a very effective tool known as flashcards and I am also trying to describe that How to make Flashcards.

So before starting if you like my blog and want more updates then press on the subscribe button on the top and follow my blog.

So let's get started!

1) What Flashcards exactly is?

Flashcards are small pieces of paper as you can see in the picture, it is used for memorizing things quickly and efficiently, not only this they also help you to increase your recalling power.

Flashcard has two sides one side is for writing the term and another side is for writing the explanation for example - in periodic table one side the element symbol Au has written and on the other side its name gold, its atomic number, atomic mass, etc. was written.

So when you see one side of the flashcard you have to try guessing the other side by doing this one or two times on the daily or weekly topic you can easily memorize any topic.

Now as we have a basic idea about flashcards now we head to the steps of making them.

2) How to make efficient Flashcards?

Before making flashcards you need to buy them and for buying flashcards simply at affordable price you can simply click on this link, or if you did not want to buy them you can simply cut the equal size of paper from your ruled or unruled notebooks as shown in the image below and you are ready with your self made flashcards.

Now as we have blank flashcards in our hand we can head towards the steps -

Step 1 Before you Begin

  • Firstly gather you all notes, books, and other materials containing the topics on which you have to make flashcards.
  • Try to find a quiet place so you can make more efficient flashcards without any disturbance.

Step 2 First Side of the Flashcards

  • Start writing key terms on one side of flashcards for example if you want to make flashcards on the environment topic you can write environment, types of environment, the importance of the environment, etc.
  • You can also make images on this site for example with the environment you can make images of trees, plants, etc. i.e, components of the environment so at the time of recalling it will flash in your mind more easily.

Step 3 Second Side of the Flashcards

  • Now on the second side of flashcards, you have to describe the term written on the first side.
  • For example, if you have written the environment term on the first side of the flashcard then on this site you have to describe its meaning on the other side, and in a similar way, you have to make flashcards for all the topics.

Step 4 Using the Flashcard

Now as you have created flashcards it is the time for using this -
  • First, you have to shuffle your flashcards deck of anyone subject facing the key terms side at the top.
  • Now you have to pick the uppermost card of the shuffled deck and read the term on the first side of the card.
  • Now try to guess what is written on the other side of the card.
  • After guessing if turn the card and see that you are right or not, if yes then put the card aside and if you are wrong then again put the card in the deck and reshuffle it.
  • Do this with all cards 3 to 4 times a day, the card you have guessed write and set aside shows your progress.
  • You have to practice these cards on a daily or weekly basis according to your priority until there are no cards left in the deck guessed wrong


At last, we have seen that a flashcard is an amazing tool to improve your memorizing and recalling skills, but it gives you the output on the basis of the consistency of your practice.
All the tools we used during our study session are developed for decreasing our burden but we have to keep reminding ourselves that no tool can give us anything without applying efforts.

I hope you will like the post, follow us by clicking on subscribe and stay tuned for upcoming updates.

Thank you

Your Friend
Puneet Sharma


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